
In this Show-off session, Jurgen De Jonghe, Portfolio Manager Group/Data at SD Worx, will share the best practices and lessons learnt from the last 20 years.

Data is the key to success in the digital age. This CIONET TRIBE Show-off Session will be all about data: big data, data analytics, data driven company, predictive analytics, data governance, data protection, real time data, data classification, etc.

How did SD Worx’ data journey look like and how was it able to generate more value from the data it gathers?

Why did some initiatives succeed and others didn’t. Join us to learn the best practices and lessons learnt from the point of view of Jurgen De Jonghe.


Tribe Show-off leaders

Find out more about the TRIBERS that prepare and drive this Show-off session and the TRIBE Master that organises and moderates this session.


During this Show-off session, we will learn more about the data journey of SD Worx of the last 20 years.




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